Jeans Zara, shirt H&M, heels Lauren Marinis, belt Ardene, wathc Michael Kors, sunglasses Forever 21, leather bag KGB Black Label (Winners)
Happy new week everyone! I am hoping for a much better week then how my weekend was. I am still getting over my flue so I spent most of my weekend in. Yesterday, I tried not to talk most of the Sunday too (doctor recommended), which was brutally hard for me to do, hehehe. I had to get out of the house as the weather was absolutely gorgeous, so I took all day Sunday all to myself. I went of a walk in the city. Then, I finally got around to visiting a Shoe Museum here in Toronto. It's about shoes from (mostly) all over the world and from different eras. It was quite interesting to see and read about how much importance shoes had in different cultures. The craftsmanship of a lot of them was very interesting. There were also some very weird ones. I shared some on my Instagram account if you're curious to see. To get back to the outfit now. Today I'm sharing with you a very simple look. As the weather is cooler I am back in my jeans again, quite a lot. If I could, I would wear distressed jeans even to work, but that's a big no-no, even for my office. Though the button up shirt is office appropriate, these jeans are not, but a darker wash ones with no rips would work perfectly. Simple but stylish, yes? Ciao!
Srecan pocetak jos jedne sedmice. Ja se nadam da ce za mene ova sedmica biti bolja nego protekli vikend. Jos uvek se oporavljam od gripe pa sam vecinu vikenda provela u kuci. U nedelju sam, na preporuku doktora, pokusala cak i da ne pricam puno, sto je vrlo tesko za mene hehehe. Ipak sam morala da izadjem iz kuce bar malo, pogotovo jer je vreme bilo divno. I tako sam uzela nedelju samo za sebe. Posle setnje gradom, otisla sam u muzej cipela. Iako zivim u ovom gradu vec godinama, do sada nikada nisam bila. Muzej izlaze cipele iz razlicitih kultura sirom sveta kao i iz razlicitih vekova. Vrlo je interesantno videti kako su se cipele menjale kroz vekove ali i koliku su vaznost imale u svakoj kulturi. Bilo je i onih vrlo cudnih, neopisivih. Mozet propratiti neke od njih na mom Instagramu. A sad da se vratimo malo danasljem outfitu. Nista sto vec niste videli ranije: farmerke, kosulja i salonke. Naravno, to su iscepane farmerke koje ja izuzetno volim da nosim. Da mogu, nosila bih ih in na posao, ali na zalost ne moze. Jednostavno a uvek interesantno, zar ne? Cao!
Aleksandra <3
Amazing pictures! Love your shirt!
love the heels :)
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Love the 4th picture :)