Jeans unknown, sweater Jay Manuel for Sears, pumps Joe Fresh, camisole H&M, leather bag KGB Black Label (Winners), earrings Forever 21
Happy Friday everyone! I got off my butt and decided to shoot one more outfit post for this week. Yes I am still sick. You can see in these pictures (though it's not terribly visible due to good lighting) that my eyes are puffy. I had not slept at all the night before due to severe cough, but I could not just lay around and do nothing all day. So I grabbed my friend, who is just as sick as me, and got her to shoot today's look. It is perfect for when you are feeling sick but have to leave the house. Cozy and oversized sweater will make you feel like you are in your bathrobe. Silk camisole is gentle on your skin and not constricting at all. I wore these gray jean-like pants. They are strerchy and soft and feel like you are wearing leggings. I don't like anything tight on me when I am feeling sick. And yes, stilettos, I am never too sick for stilettos, hehe. My friend who was shooting me (poor thing) kept coughing through the whole photo shoot so a lot of the pictures are a little blurry. I chose the best ones. But its the effort that counts and I'm thankful. What are you most comfortable in when you are feeling under the weather but have to leave the house? Ciao!
Srecan petak svima! Iako sam jos jako bolesna ipak sam se naterala da uslikam jos jedan outfit za ovu sedmicu. Na slikama se moze videti da su mi podocnjaci otekli, premda zbog dobrog svetla nije previse primetno. Noc ranije nisam spavala nikako zbog dosadnog kaslja. Medjutim, dosadilo mi je da nista ne radim pa sam ugrabila drugaricu, koja je bolesna bas kao i ja, da slika danasnji outfit. Ova kombinacija je odlicna za dane kao sto je ovaj, kada ste bolesni ili se ne osecate najbolje. Siroki dzemper ce vas uciniti da se osecate kao da nosite bade mantil. Svilena bluza je nezna na dodir i nije pripijena uz telo. Pantalone su nesto izmedju pantalona i farmerki ali su ugodne kao da nosim helanke ili trenerku. Nista ne steze, sto je meni vrlo vazno kada se ne osecam dobro. Ali salonke nisam nikada dovoljno bolesna hehehe. Drugarica koja me je slikala, je takodje bolesna kao i ja, kao sto sam vec rekla. I za sve vremen slikanja je jadna kasljala tako da su vecina slika ispale malo mutne. Ali dobro, vazna je volja a ja sam zahvana za to. U cemu se vi osecate najugodnije kada ste bolesni a opet morate da napustite kucu? Cao!
Aleksandra <3
Great jacket!
Really nice outfit !