Coat Zara, sweater and jeans H&M, necklace unknown (similar here & here), silk blouse Joe Fresh, hat and boots Urban Planet, bag Danier (here)
I have been pretty good about taking pictures of my outfits but very bad about posting them. With the holiday season still going (for me at least since I also celebrate Christmas tomorrow and another New Year on the 14th), it has been close to impossible to regularly post. I do have to let you know that tomorrow, being that it is Christmas, I will not be doing a new post, but day after I am back! Today’s outfit was a casual one I wore for a weekend brunch with my friends not too long ago. I love this sheep like coat I bought in Zara last winter. To be honest all of my friends hate it. The first time I showed up in it I got the dirtiest looks, from my friend Ivana in particular (she has a really bad poker face hahha). My husband and my parents too. But I was never the one to not wear something just because others didn’t like it. I love it and I love the character it gives to every outfit. Maybe one day I will look back at this outfit and wonder what was I thinking, but for now I still seem very happy. But I would not be surprised if I received some negative feedback ahhahah. I will welcome it either way J. In Canadian winters you have to learn to layer clothes to keep warm and stay stylish. So today I layered this sweater over a silk blouse which gives just a pop of colour through the mid section. Let me hear your opinion on this coat or the look in general. Ciao!
Moram priznati da sam bila vrlo vredna i redovno slikala svoje outfite skoro svakodnevno, ali sam vrlo losa u postavljanju novim postova. Naravno praznici su razlog za manjak vremena. Sa Bozicem sutra i Novom godinom 14og, a izmecu njih gomilom slava, prosto je nemoguce redovno postavljati novi post. Ali sam sebi dala oduska i odlucila da provedem praznike u miru bez opterecivanja i da postavim post kad mi se ukaze prilika. A cim prodju praznici, vracam se redovnom radu J. Danasnjim outiftom dominira ja mislim ovaj kaput poput ovcije vune koji sam kupila u Zari pre godinu dana. I inace je jedan komad moje garderobe koji svi moji bliznji mrze (mogu slobodno to reci). Secam se pogleda mojih drugarica kada sam se prvi put pojavila u njemu, posebno moje drugarice Ivane koja definitivno ne zna da sakrije svoje iskrene emocije ahahah. Ali nikada nisam bila tip osobe koja nece nesto obuci samo zato sto se to drugima ne dopada. Mozda cu se pitati jedan dan o cemu sam mislila kada sam ga kupila, ali za sada sam zadovoljna J. Ne bih se iznendadila negativnim komentarima od vas hahaha. Dobrodosli su u svakom slucaju. Izuzetno cenim vase komentare i misljenje. Cao!
Aleksandra <3
Such an amazing outfit! Love it!
Donn´t mind what the pelple say... your coat is love!!!! kss
Aww that coat! Those gloves, that necklace, those shoes.... Want it all! What a great winter look! You look so glam, yet casual! Stripes are always a winner too... Love it!
ReplyDeleteBig Love!
Secret little Stars
This coat is amazing!