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Ruffled Pink Skirt & Logo T-Shirt

Skirt Forever 21, T-shirt & shoes Ebay, bag H&S Handbags, sunglasses unknown, bracelets Forever 21, Tiffany & Co., Aldo, rings H&M

Lets talk about fakes. Fake clothing items and accessories, to be exact. Or knock-offs, however you like to call them. I will be honest I am not a fan at all. Fake logos are my big pet peeve. But we do see nowadays a lot of items on a lower budget that resemble some higher end ones. I am not talking just about teenage discount stores but even stores such as Danier, Coach, Michael Kors, have bags that resemble some much more expensive models. And I am perfectly fine with that. To me, that is paying a compliment to the original design. But buying bags that actually say Louis Vuitton, Celine or any other name, but are not actually a real deal, that is a big no no for me. Usually, knock-offs are of bad quality as well so it can be a waste of money. But with that said, I am realizing that I will sound like a hypocrite today. I bought these replicas of Valentino shoes on Ebay, and I cannot say that I am ashamed at all. I have been lusting over them for as long as they have been out. I love the heeled ones too, but I would not buy the knock-off of those for some reason. Probably because the arch and heel are not well made. But these, I had to have. I had placed them in my wish list and kept going back to them every day, hoping that I will change my mind. But after 7 days my desire had not gone away, so I clicked that Buy button. And they were only $25! Who could resist. Today's summary outfit I wore last night for a walk around Toronto's water front. What a beautiful night it was. I threw in a few IPhone pictures a friend of mine took of me posing for my husband, who is my official photographer. It found these pictures interesting so I wanted to include a few in today's post. Ciao!

Danas pricamo o imitacijama ili kopijama originalnih dizajnerskih modela, bilo odece ili aksesoara. Prvo da kazem da sam ja (uglavnom) veliki protivnik. Imitacije, pogotovo tasni koje nose logo na sebi, meni daju vrlo jeftin izlged outfitu. Pogotovo u danasnje vreme, kada mozete naci tasne ili cipele, koje su inspirisane skupim dizajnima ali su mnogo pristupacnije budzetu jedne normalne osobe. I uglavnom su daleko boljeg kvaliteta. Ako zaista zelite neku dizajnersku tasnu, onda vam savetujem da stedite malo po malo. Ja sam moju prvu Louis Vuitton tasnu kupila tek nakon 5 godina prizeljkivanja. Kao student nisam mogla da priustim nesto tako skupo (iako je moj model jedan od jeftinijih, ali meni najdrazi). Zatim kada sam pocela da radim i da stvaram zivot za sebe, nisam mogla samoj sebi da obrazlozim zasto je jedna tasna vaznija nego imati kauc u kuci, hehee. Ali sam onda odlucila da ostavaljam pare sa strane, i malo po malo skupila dovoljno da mogu da je kupim. Utoliko mi je bila draza nego ista drugo sto sam kupila do tad. Ali gledajte da odaberete model koji cete moci nositi jos dugi niz godina, a ne nesto sto je prolazno. I nakon sto sam sve ovo napisala, posle danasnjeg posta cete misliti da sam licemer. Cipele koje danas nosim su imitacija Valentino cipela koje prizeljkujem cini mi se od kada su tek izasle. Ali nisam planirala da ih kupim, jer mi nisu prve na mojoj dugoj listi zelja, a i nekako bi za mene bilo cudno da platim tolike pare za ravne cipele. Ove sam pronasla na Ebay-u i stavila sam ih u svoju korpu sa ostalim stvarima koje prizeljkujem. Svaki dan sam se vracala da ih vidim, u nadi da cu promeniti misljenje. Ali nakon sedam dana, zelja da ih imam nije prosla, i na kraju sam kliknula na Kupiti dugme. Ali kako sam i mogla da im odolim? Pogotovo, jos i po ceni od $25. Danasnji letnji outfit sam nosila sinoc za setnju uz luku Toronta. Bilo je savrseno vece za to. A ubacila sam i par slika koje je moja drugarica uslikala Iphonom, pa mozete videti razliku u kvalitu slike. Ali meni su bile interesantne jer ih je slikala dok sam ja pozirala za mog glavnog fotografa (mog muza) hehe. Cao!

Aleksandra <3

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