Jeans & jacke Zara, blouse Sirens, heels Asos, bag Steve Madden, bracelets Alex&Ani, wathc Michael Kors, chain ring Forever 21, forefinger gold rings gift, blue ring Ebay
Before I continue to write today's post, I just want to remind you to check out, if you have not already, last night's post. No, not the one from yesterday morning, I posted one more post last night. By reading it you can find out why. Now I can go back to talking about my mini vacation and trip to Montreal and showing outfits I wore while there. One thing to mention is that I wanted to pack extremely light. I wanted to bring just one pair of heels and a pair of sneakers. I also wanted pieces of clothing that could be mixed and matched to provide multiple outfits yet keep my luggage weight light. All I brought with me were to pairs of jeans, denim shorts, sneakers and Asos heels. I brought also one sweatshirt, one T-shirt and a button up shirt. This needed to be it for 4 days. Oh, and the blouse I am wearing in today's post is the one I bought in my emergency shopping trip I talked about on Monday. If you missed it, you can read about it on this SashaDoll Fashion Closet post. Friday night in Montreal we spent walking along the St-Catherine street. We were staying in a hotel in the Cartier de Spectacle so first we sat around the area and listened to different bands performing, before going on a walk. We ended up on the Crescent Street where we had dinner and hit a few bars before we headed off to Mont Tremblant. Montreal streets were getting busier and already being prepped for this upcoming weekend's Formula races. Ciao!
Pre nego zapocnem danasnji post, samo zelim da vas napomenem da pogledate i post koji sam sinoc postavila. Ne post od juce ujutru, nego sinoc. Procitajte da razumete zasto sam dva postavila bas juce. A sada da se vratimo mom mini odmoru i putovanju u Montreal. Jednu stvar sto sam zelela da spomenem a to je da za ovaj put, cilj je bio da spakujem sto manje stvari. Ponela sam odecu koja se da mesati i stvoriti razlicite outfite, a ne cine torbu teskom. I sve sto sam ponela za puna 4 dana su jedne stikle, jedne patike, dva para farmerki, teksas sorc, kosulja, dukeserica i majica. Bluza koju danas nosim u ovom outfitu je ustvari kupljena u mom hitnom shoppingu o kome ste mogli da procitate u ponedeljak u ovom SashaDoll Fashion Closet postu. Petak vece je proveden prvo u setnji i slusanju muzike na trgu namenjenom za umetnike, Cartier de Spectacle. Zatim setnjom vrlo prometnom ulicom St-Catherine, a zavrsilo se vecerom i obilazenjem barova na ulici Crescent, koja je poznata medju turistima. A u Montrealu je vec pocela guzva i pripreme oko trka Formule koje se tamo odrzavaju ovaj nastupajuci vikend. A petak vece, mi smo se uputili na planinu Mont Tremblant, na dan opustanja na svezem vazduhu. Cao!
Aleksandra <3
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