Kimono Urban Planet, tank top H&M, rings Forever 21, jeggings Urban Behavior, bag Winners, heels Aldo, sunglasses Joe Fresh, long necklace made on order, watch Michael Kors, bracelets Alex&Ani
I had a wonderful weekend with family and friends and now, I am fully energized for the week. I'm sure the sun and warmer weather have something to do with it as well. Today's outfit is in honour of the spring and the spring trends; soft pink colour and flower print. I love kimonos but it was really hard to find one that was long enough in the back, was the right colour and print and of course, the right price. I was extatic to find this one way below my budget. This one is from Urban Planet and was only $16. I got it in pastel blue as well, and could not wait to wear it. This weekend seemed just like a perfect time. A braid seemed like the right choice of hairstyle for today's sighly boho look so I went for it. It's a comfortable, chic and easy outfit to pull of. What do you think? Ciao!
Posle jednog prelepog vikenda sa prijateljima i familijom, vise sam nego spremna za ovu sedmicu. Verujem i da lepse vreme takodje ima malo uticaja na raspolozenje. A danasnji outfit je u cast dugo iscekivanom toplimjem prolecnom danu. Nezno roza boja i cvetni print, bas ono sto se predlaze za prolece/leto. Jako volim kimono ali mi je dugo vremena trebalo da nadjem bas odgovarajuci; dovoljno dug na ledjima, odgovarajuca boja i print, a naravno i cena je uvek vazna. Mozete zamisliti moje radosti kada sam naletela na ovaj od samo $16, znatno ispod mog budzeta. A ovaj protekli vikend je bio savrsen bas za njega. Naravno, i kosa je morala da se uklopi sa blago boho stilom, pa sam uplela opustsenu pletenicu. Kako vam se cini? Cao!
Aleksandra <3

lovely outfit, the kimono is gorgeous.