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Going Mad

Skirt Jacob, shirt and jacket Zara, necklace Ebay, boots & clutch unknown

Good morning lovelies! Why does one feel even more tired first day of work after a long weekend? Maybe because we try to cram as many things to do and as many people to see in those three days, and with that goes lack of sleep. Then the work week starts and all you want is just one more day to relax and sleep. That's me today. But lets get back to what this blog is actually about, fashion, and not my random rambling, haha. I could not wait till this horrible cold weather is gone to wear my leather jacket again. By the look of it today and the snow storm, we won't see the spring for at least another couple of months (please let me be wrong, please let me be wrong!!!). So I wore it with this outfit. Yes, I wore a coat over it when I went out into the cold, but for the post I refused to wear it. Classic red pencil skirt, stripped top and leopard print detail in the clutch, topped off with a cool leather jacket. Oh yes, since it is winter still, over the knee boots are a great way to stay warm. It is also a great way for us short girls to appear longer and taller. Boots that go to the knee cut you off and shorten you visually, but over the knee boots under a pencil skirt, create long lines. And no, I was not angry when I took these pictures, I promise. It was just really bright outside and the wind in my face did not help. I tried my best to have my eyes open and relaxed, but clearly, it was unsuccessful, haha. Have a wonderful day! Ciao!

Dobro jutro, ili pak dobar dan vama u Evropi! Zasto je covek umorniji nego obicno posle jednog produzenog vikenda umesto da se oseca odmoran i spreman za radnu sedmicu? Verovatno zato sto u ta tri dana pokusamo da naguramo sto vise stvari da uradimo i sto vise ljudi da vidimo, a zajedno i sa tim ide i manjak sna. Pa onda kada dodje radni dan, sve sto zelimo je samo jos jedan, jedan slobodan dan da se naspavamo. E tako vam je pocelo moje jutro. Ali da se vratimo temi kojoj je namenjen ovaj blog, modi, a ne mom cavrljanju. Nisam mogla da docekam prolece da bih opet nosila moju omiljenu koznu jaknu. S obzirom na danasnje vreme, mi prolece necemo videti bar jos dva meseca (nadam se da gresim!!!). Tako da sam se za danas opredelila za ovaj outfit sa koznom jaknom. Dok sam napolju naravno da sam nosila kaput preko svega, ali iz inata nisma htela da se slikam sa njim. Danas na blogu jedna klasicna crvena suknja, prugasta majica i detalji u leopard printu. Ceo outfit dovrsen koznom jaknom. Ah da, s obzirom da je jos uvek zima, cizme preko kolena su neizbezne i dobar nacin da vam ne bude hladno. Takodje su dobar nacim da delujete visociji, pogotovo za nas niske devojke, jer cizme ispod kolena samo vam vizuelno iseku telo i skrate vas. A zelim samo jos i da kazem da nisam bila ljuta dok sam se slikala, kunem se, haha. Belina snega je bila zaslepljujuca a ni vetar u lice nije pomagao, pa koliko god da sam se trudila, izgubila sam na kraju bitku. Zelim vam prijatan dan! Cao!

Aleksandra <3

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  1. So incredibly chic, with the stripes + leo + red combo :)
    I always use whatever I want adding a maxi coat over, too :p (but of course that over here is not as cold as over there!)

  2. u look amazing!!

  3. Draga Aleksandra, dobar si ti photoshooting odradila po toj zimi..Kod nas u HR ove godine skoro zime da i nije bilo...Konkretno u Rijeci bila je najviše kiša pa nam je i to dosadilo, ugnjavila nas ta vlaga..A da se dotaknem i tvoga teksta ..možda bi trebalo povremeno uzeti vikend za sebe...

    1. Ne znam sta je gore, kisa ili hladnoca. Imam drugaricu koja je kao izbeglica zivela u Rijeci i cula sam samo lepe reci o gradu. Mozda mi se jedan dan ukaze prilika i da ga obidjem. Puno pozdrava iz Kanade :)


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