Sweterdress H&M, boots Choies, coat Le Chateau, watch Michael Kors, bracelets: Tiffany & Co., Joseph Nogucci and unknown, necklace Juicy Couture
Last few weeks have been crazy busy at work. I will be off the whole next week for Christmas holidays so work needs to be finished before. It was a particularly hard day yesterday and when I got home I really needed some retail therapy to relax me and put me in a better mood. So we went to a mall where these pictures were taken. I gotta say I have grown since launching this blog. When I first started it was a challenge taking pictures. I had to find a secluded place with nobody around. If anyone happened to walk by I would just freeze and become all uncomfortable. It was even difficult posing in front of my husband who is my photographer. The fact that I could actually take photos in the mall with people walking around and staring is a significant improvement. Granted, I could brush it off on the fact that it was nicely decorated and I was just another person snapping pictures, but hey, it's still growth, right? Casual outfit for the shopping excursion. Light and warm sweaterdress, tights and boots. Easy to take off or on to try on clothes. Though it was not a successful trip, it still relaxed me and hey, I got some pictures for the blog :). Ciao!
Poslednjih nekoliko sedmica su bile haoticne na poslu. Sto zbog kraja godine, sto zbog praznika. Juce je bio posebno tezak dan pa mi je bila potrebna shopping terapija da me opusti i oraspolozi. I tako smo otisli u trzni centar gde su ove slike uslikane. Moram priznati da sam znatno napredovala i opustila se od kad sam pocela ovaj blog. U pocetku sam trazila delove grada gde nema zive duse da bih se mogla opustiti za slikanje. Ako bi neko slucajno naisao, kompletno bih se paralizovala i zbunila, i trebalo bi malo vise vremena da se opet opustim. Cak mi je bilo neprijatno pozirati i ispred mog muza,koji je inace moj fotograf. Cinjenica da sam se usudila da se slikam u trznom centru okruzena prolaznicima koji zaintrigirano gledaju sta se dogadja, je veliki pomak. Nisam sad bas sigurna koliko cesto cu imati tu hrabrost, ali dobro :). Za shopping sam odabrala casual outift; laganu a toplu haljinu/dzemper, debele najlonke i cizme. Sve dovoljno lako za skinuti i obuci u svlacionici. I bez obzira sto nije bio vrlo uspesna shopping ekskurzija, opet sam se odmorila a i dobile nekoliko slika za blog :) Cao!
Aleksandra <3
Love the coat!