Shirt Target, skirt Zara (old), belt Ardene, watch unknown, bag H&S Handbags, shoes Gucci
We all have those special clothing items or shoes that we only keep for those special occasions. It's the same with your china or special plates that you keep in your cupboards and take out maybe once or twice a year. Why do we do that? Those items that we have paid the most, get the least wear out of them. Isn't every day special enough to eat out of your favourite china or for you to wear that expensive bag or designer shoes? I was going to a movie with a friend couple of weeks ago and I was wearing my patent leather Gucci shoes I received last year for my 30th birthday. She asked me if I didn't worry I would ruin them by wearing them out on a random day. I asked her if she had maybe planned to run a marathon after a movie, cause I didn't see how I could ruin them by walking to and sitting in a move theater. I said I don't have many red carpet events to keep them just for that. We both laughed. But it is true. We all do it. I will however keep that special item to wear for the first time to an event, and after that I treat it as any other possession. New shoes do have to make an entrance after all hhehee. I take care of my bags and shoes carefully and they all have a long life, expensive or not. We should all treat every day as that special day. We're all worth it. And those shoes are too expensive to be kept locked away. Just watch where and how you walk, and they will last you a long time. Today, I am wearing an outfit I wore to work recently. I paired this gorgeous Zara skirt from couple of seasons ago with a cotton polka dot dress shirt. The skirt is a bit dressier but the shirt and casual hair give it a more casual feel. I also wore my very first Gucci pair (yes to work!) as they went just perfectly with this look. What are your thoughts on this subject? Ciao!
Svi mi imamo bar po jedan komad odece u svom ormaru koji iznosimo samo u posebnim prilikama. Bilo to neka posebna haljina, skupa tasna ili markirane cipele. To je isto kao sto mnogi ljudi cuvaju porcelansko posudje samo za posebne prilike ili prosalve. Zasto to radimo? Te stvari koje smo najskuplje platili, najmanje koristimo. Zar nije svaki dan poseban i vazan za nas? Pre samo par sedmice isla sam u bioskop sa drugaricom i nosila sam moje lakovane Gucci cipele koje sam dobila prethodne godine za 30ti rodjendan. Drugarica me je upitala zar mi nije bilo zao da ih nosim u bioskop, za tako obican dan. Ja sam se nasalila i upitala da li cemo mozda tracati maraton nakon filma. I objasnila sam joj da nemam puno proslava na crvenom tepihu u nekoj blizoj buducnosti, da ih cuvam za tad. Obe smo se slatko nasmejale. Ali to je istina. Vecina nas to radi. Ako sam dobila nesto vredno i novo, sacuvacu ga verovatno da ga prvi put obucem za neku proslavu, ali posle toga, postaje kao i svi ostali komadi u mom ormaru. Ne vazno od njihove vrednosti, ja podjednako pazim na svoje tasne i cipele. Sve su mi podjednako vazne. Trebalo bi svi da gledamo na svaki dan kao poseban dan, Svi smo toga vredni. A te markirane cipele su previse skupe da bi bile zatvorene u tami vaseg ormara. Pazite samo gde gazite i sve ce biti u redu. Danasnji outfit je outfit koji sam nosila na posao prosle sedmice. Ova prelepa suknja iz Zare od pre dve sezone, je malo sredjenija; ali uparena sa opustenom pamucnom kosuljom i repom, deluje mnogo lezernije. Probrala sam da obujem moje prve Gucci cipele (da na posao) jer su se savreseno uklapale uz ovaj outfit. Sta vi mislite o ovoj temi? Cao!
Aleksandra <3
Maybe I'd wear a different color on the shoes, but the rest is awsome :)
ReplyDeleteExcellent post Aleksandra! Great attitide and I could not agree more. My family and friends are always saying to me..Where are you going.. because they think I'm always overdressed. Everyday is a dress up day ��
ReplyDeleteNyaomi xx
Preciosa falda!!