Blazer & heels Zara, playsuit Forever 1 (old, similar here, here & here), bag Balenciaga, belt Ardene, chain ring Forever 21, other rings H&M, watch Michael Kors
Welcome to a start of yet another
beautiful week full of potential. My weekend did not work out as planned as I
had a little health issue, of sorts. I woke up Saturday morning with a stiff
neck like I had never felt before. I could not move or sit up at all. Only
after several muscle relaxants was I able to extremely slowly make my way at
least into the living room. Oh how sad I was. For someone who loves sun and
weekends so much, it was a real punishment. I slept most of the day but still
gathered some courage and strength to make it to the beach at the end of the
day. After all, warm sun can only help stiff muscles right? I also really
needed to get better by Sunday because I had a birthday party of a friend’s
daughter to attend. And it’s also my sister’s birthday today, so we decided to
celebrate it last night in a group of close friends. I braved the pain, with a
little needed help of pain med (don’t worry only over the counter stuff). I
wore this jumpsuit and a blazer to the celebration. I changed later for the
outing with my sister but never got to take those pictures. We were too busy
having fun. Happy Monday all! Ciao!
Dobrodosli na pocetak jos jedne
prelepe sedmice pune mogucnosti. Ne znam da li sam raspolozena jer mi se telo
ponovo vraca u normal, ili je nesto drugo. U subotu sam se probudila sa
ukocenim vratom, kao nikada do sada. Lezala sam kao paralizovana u bolu I u
nemogucnosti da se pomerim ni centimetar. Nakon nekoliko tableta za opustanje
misica, napokon sam uspela da se dovucem vrlo sporim koracima bar do dneven
sobe. To je za mene bila kao kazna, lezati u kuci dok je napolju prelep dan.
Nakon prespavanog pola dana, uspela sam da se izvucem do plaze na par sati.
Toplo sunce, ukocenom vratu moze samo da prija. Takodje mi je bilo u cilju da
se oporavim sto pre, jer sam juce imala takodje rodjendan jedne preslatke
devojcice koji nisam smela da promasim. Takodje je danas rodjendan mojoj
jedinoj I najdrazoj sestri, a odlucile smo juce da ga proslavimo. Uz (naravno
opet) pomoc tableta (nista jako, ne brinite) uspela sam da se prelepo provedem
u drustvu prijatelja. Za proslavu rodjendana moje sestre sam se presvukla iz
ovog danasnjeg outfita, ali nismo stigli da se slikamo. Previse smo se
zabavljale da bi se setile toga. Zelim vam prelep dan ili vece, gde god da se
nalazite. Cao!
Aleksandra <3
Odličan sako!
nice style.