Jeans Gap, heels Lauren Marinis, T-shirt Ebay, jacket Zara, plaid shirt Walmart, bag Aldo, sunglasses ZeroUV, watch Michael Kors, bracelets Aldo
I've had a beautiful Easter weekend and hope you did too. Even if you don't celebrate, I hope you indulged in all the chocolates and beautiful sunny weather. Easter is one of my favourite holidays. Partially because it's usually sunny and warm, partially because you spend it with your family and friends, but mostly because of the Easter egg wars. You're probably going Eh? What is she talking about? But let me explain. Tradition in Serbia (and many other eastern European countries) is to dye eggs on Good Friday and then on the Easter Sunday, have competition breaking them with your family and friends. You try to find the strongest egg and with it, break all the other ones. It may sound silly, but let me tell you, once you start, you become like a child and really have fun with it. So much so, that in Serbia they even have competitions in this "sport". Needless to say, we eat a lot of eggs during this time. Back to fashion now. This is a casual but fun outfit I wore on the weekend to meet some friends for coffee, have some fries with my Goddaughters and do a few other things. I did however wear a different pair of jeans. I wore my distressed Zara ones ( worn in this SashaDollFashion postu), but I bought these over the weekend as well and just had to wear them for the photo shoot instead. Again, I love mixing patterns and leopard print and tartan just seem like a good fit. Have a wonderful week ladies! Ciao!
Provela sam jedan lep Uskrsnji vikend a nadam se da ste i vi. Cak i ako ne slavite, nadam se da ste bar uzivali u prelepom vremenu i duzem vikendu. Za mene je Usrks jedan od omiljenih praznika.Dal zbog lepog vremena, ili sto je jedan od veselijih praznika, ali po najvise zbog farbanja jaja i zatim tucanje jaja na sam dan Uskrsa. Nepotrebno je reci da sam ovaj vikend pojela JAKO puno jaja. A sad da se vratimo malo modi. Ovaj casual ali ipak doteran outfit sam nosila preko vikenda da se nadjem sa drugaricama na kafi, da se druzim i podelim promfrit sa mojim prelepim kumicama, a i da obavim jos neke obaveze. Umesto ovih, nosila sam moje omiljene iscepane Zara farmerke (koje sam nosila u ovom SashaDollFashion postu), ali post su ove nove, tek kupljene za vikend, za slikanje sam ipak njih morala da obucem :). Naranvo, opet sam malo pomesala sare kombinovanjem karo dezena (ili plaid) sa leopard printom. Cao!
Aleksandra <3
Gorgeous as always! Love your hair :)