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Piece Of Art

 Sweater one of a kind (gift), leggings Forever 21, boots and beanie Urban Planet, bag Ebay.

I don’t get to spend a lot of weekends at home or when I do, there is usually a lot of things to catch up on so they usually fly by running around. But this weekend was one of those rare ones where I get to sleep in and do what I choose, or not do anything at all. Well usually on those days I go very casual. This weekend I chose to wear this sweater my grandmother bought for me few years ago. Now I know this will not be to everyone’s liking as it is not your modern sweater. This is actually piece of art, a one of a kind. Some of you may know (if you follow my blog) that I am of Serbian background (as in Novak Djokovic) not Siberia (trust me, people get confused more than you would think). This sweater is a traditional art work done on sweaters, linens, etc from the region in Western Serbia where my family is from. Each piece is one of a kind and is hand made of real wool. Amazing quality and warmth. As I said, to me this is like a piece of art therefore I keep everything else very simple so it would not compete.
Some of you may agree that with everything good that came with the Internet, loss of borders between nations, and so on, some of that uniqueness and tradition that every culture has, is getting lost. We all start to look the same quite a bit. And don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of good in it. But I love the richness in art, fashion, food that comes from all of the world's different countries. This for me is tradition done 21st century way. Your thoughts? Ciao!

Drage dame nadam se da ste uspele da se odmorite ovog vienda i napunite baterije za novu sedmicu. Ja napokon jesam! Vikend sam provela u casual varijanti i obukla ovaj divni dzemper, poklon od moje bake. Predpostavljam da vecina vas s Balkana prepoznaje da je ovo tradicionalni rucni rad iz zapadne Srbije, odakle potice moja familija. Znam da ovaj dzemper nece biti po svacijem ukusu ali ja ga licno obozavam jer je unikatan za danasnje trziste, gde svi nosimo uglavnom istu odecu. A naravno lepo je i videti tradiciju koju svaka drazava i region sveta imaju, a koji na zalost postepeno gube na vaznosti. Razlike u kulturama i tadicijama, itd ne sluze da nas razdvajaju vec da obogacuju sve sfere nasih zivota, od mode, hrane, umetnosti, itd. Da li se slazete? Cao!

Aleksandra <3

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  1. Prelep je a ti bas znas da ga nosis :-****

  2. you look great!

    giveaway >>>

  3. lovely outfit :)

    Xxx Cécile


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