Dress Choies, sweater unknown, ankle boots Aldo, bag Louis Vuitton, necklace Ebay, ring Forever 21
Today I have a family celebration that will keep me quite busy the rest of the day, but I wanted to sneak in and post another outfit anyway. You have already seen this dress before on the blog (here and here) but I pulled it out again over the weekend, for a casual Saturday afternoon. I was going to go for a walk around town and stop for a lunch. But before we went, we snapped these pictures. It was very humid out, hence my hair. Well, even though it didn't take us long to shoot, as we finished it started pouring, and that was it for our walk. Luckily I carry leather booties in my car in the spring, for just this occasion. So I switched my suede booties for leather ones, and off I went. I managed at least to sneak in a late lunch but not the walk, unfortunately. I love walks and even more walks around town, where you get to people watch and enjoy the energy of the city. Ciao!
Danas mi je slava pa cu biti prezauzeta ostatak dana, kao sto vece znate kako to ide. Ali zelela sam ipak da na brzinu uletim i postavim jos jedan outfit post. Vec ste videli ovu haljinu ranije na blogu u ovom i ovom postu. Preko vikenda sam je ponovo izvukla za jedno opusteno subotnje poslepodne. Plan je bio da odemo u setu po gradu i stanemo negde za rucak. Pre nego sto smo krenuli uslikali smo ove slike. Vremen je bilo izuzetno vlazno, sto mozete primetiti po mojoj kosi. Momenta kada smo zavrsili sa slikanje, pljusak je krenuo. A sa tim i moji planovi za setnju. Na srecu, u prolece, u autu uvek imam kozne cizmice do clanka, bas iz ovih razloga, pa sam se prezula da ne bih ostetila ove cipele/cizme. Na kraju sam bar uspela da ugrabim rucak ali od setnje nije bilo nista, na zalost. Ja inace obozavam da se setam, pogotovo po gradu jer volim da razgledam ljude i uzivam u energiji grada. Cao!
Aleksandra <3
I have seen this dress so many times. But I think this is my favourite look with it! Love the maxi cardigan over it :)