Sneakers Nike, dress H&M, shirt Walmart, bag H&S Handbags, watch Michael Kors, bracelet H&M, sunglasses unknown
So my camera is acting up. I have not been able to use it for a couple of days. These photos were shot with my IPhone and you can see the difference but they will do. Better lower quality photos then no photos at all. True or false? My outfit is just something I wore out for a walk and evening coffee with a friend. Comfortable and cool. Canada has jumped from winter right into summer, so staying cool is a must. The temperatures with humidity were getting as high as 30 degrees. It was also my excuse to wear my new gorgeous Nike shoes again. IT was a long wait, but I found a perfect pair for me. And boy do I love deals. Thank you Winners! Tomorrow morning I am off to Montreal for an extra long weekend. I will hit Mont Tremblant as well. I am beyond excited. I will try to keep up with my blog. The post may come much later in the day, but there will be one for sure. And I'm sure I will keep my Instagram account pretty busy. Ciao!
I tako je moja kamera odlucila da me zeza par dana. Danasnje slike sam morala da uslikam sa mojim IPhone i naravno da se vidi razlika. Ali dobro, bolje ista nego nista. Danasnji outfit je nesto sto sam nosila u setnju i vecernju kafu sa drugaricom. Lagano i udobno. U Kanadi je vreme preslo iz zime pravo u leto, pa su s tim i temperature jako visoke, najvise zbog vlage u vazduhu. Od kada sam kupila nove Nike patike proslog vikenda, ne izlazim iz njih. Ja, koja inace ne izlazi iz stikli. Ali ove su prelepe i preudobne i moje omiljene patike ikad (posle Air Max ljubicaste dvojke iz devedesetih naravno heheheh). Sutra ujutru putujem za Montreal (Kvebek provincija) i ne mogu docekati. Obici cu i planinu i spa resort na Mont Tremblant planini u blizini Montreala. S tim, sutrasnji post ce malo kasniti. Ne znam tacno kada cu stici da ga postavim, ali ce ga biti sigurno. A verujem da ce moj instagram racun biti preopterecen slikama, hehehe. Cao!
Aleksandra <3
Good that you got out of your comfort zone! Great look :)