Coat Zara, Jeans Winners, top Walmart old, scarf & large ring Aldo, boots Uggs, bag Louis Vuitton, spike ring Forever21, top necklace Forever 21, gold necklaces my own old.
Today's outfit was not intended to be featured on the blog. Last Friday was really warm so we took our dog for a much deserved and needed walk around our neighbourhood. We strolled the streets, got some coffee and enjoyed a Friday evening relaxing and indulging in simple things in life. As always, I had my camera with me so we snapped a few pictures and these made it today on the blog. I figure I usually post outfits in heels but this time I got my Uggs on. For me, they are a must have even though my husband hates them. It's a relaxed outfit suitable for running errands, going out for a walk, or to just be. It goes to show that you can have a casual outfit, but a few simple pieces such as a bag, few items from your jewellery box and a nice coat can make you look put together even on those lazy days. As for the bangs, no, they're not real. I have been wanting to get bangs for the last few months but don't have the cojones to do it. I had them few years ago but sometimes I loved them and sometimes I hated them. So, having been bored the night before, I used some old hair extensions and made myself some bangs. No one could tell they were fake. I just hated having to deal with them in the wind so in some pictures they look a bit messy. This is one of those reasons why I don't like having bangs. Have a lovely day! Ciao!
Danasnji outfit nije bio namenjen za blog ali ipak sam se odlucila da ga postavim. Slike su nastale proslog petka. Bilo je prelepo i prilicno toplo vece, perfektno za jednu dugo iscekivanu i neophodnu dugu setnju sa mojim omiljenim bicem, mojim dobermanom Riom. Setali smo se ulicama naseg naselja, uz put pili kaficu (dekaf naravno jer je vece), i jednostavno uzivali u perfektnoj veceri i onim najdenostavnijim zivotnim lepotama. A posto naravno uvek imam aparat uz sebe, uslikali smo i nekoliko slika. Ovo je jedan opusten outift za setnju, tracanje po gradu u zavrsavanju obaveza, ili cisto onako. Cak i obican jednostavan outfit u casual cizmama moze da deluje sredjen i uredan uz samo nekoliko detalja kao sto je par komada nakita, uredna tasna i lepo skrojen kaput. A sto se tice siski, nisu prave. Vec nekoliko meseci prizeljkujem da se osisam ali nemam hrabrosti. Pre nekoliko godina sam imala siske i bilo je dana kada sam ih obozavala ali i onih kada sam ih mrzela. I iz dosade, vece pre nego sto su uslikane ove slike, napravila sam sama sebi siske od starih umetaka za kosu. Niko nije mogao da provali da nisu moje. Jedino sto me je nerviralo dok smo setali, to je sto ih je vetar remetio, i to me naravno podsetilo na one dane kada sam mrzela sto sam ih osisala. Ali eto, sada imam ove lazne da mi zadovolje potrebu kada mi padne opet na pamet da ih sisam. Zelim vam prelep dan! Cao!
Aleksandra <3
you are pretty,nice look,kiss